2023-06-29 CF Governance Panel meeting
- Bryan, Ethan, Karl, Jonathan, Fanny
- Schedule next meeting
- Should we use Figshare or Zenodo for CF Workshop presentations/posters?
- Consider suggestion on rotating CF Workshops every nine months
- Consider clarifying rule “When three weeks have passed with no contributions …”
- Discuss ways to encourage engagement on issues that elicit little response due to difficulty/complexity.
- Discuss opening standard names process to non-CEDA folks
- AGU session on CF and netCDF
- CF Workshop
Schedule next CF Governance Panel meeting/call
- DECISION: Tentative 11 Sept 2023 15:00 UTC (alternate 27 Sept)
- Final: 27 Sept 2023 at 15:00 UTC
Discuss use of Figshare or Zenodo for CF Workshop presentations/posters
- DECISION: Recommend use of Figshare, Zenodo, or institutional repository
- Repository used should provide persistence and a DOI.
Discuss suggestion on rotating CF Workshops every nine months
- If alternating in-person and virtual, this would keep in-person under 24-months apart
- Higher frequency might be difficult to plan. Could depend on funding for meetings.
- DECISION: Discuss at workshop
Discuss the “When three weeks have passed with no contributions …” rule and clarifying that messages of agreement don’t extend the 3-week period.
- DECISION: Should be something like “no further concerns raised” (all agreed)
- ACTION: Create issue and PR
Discuss ways to encourage engagement on issues that elicit little response due to difficulty/complexity.
- Hard to build momentum
- Hard without funding
- Maybe regular (quarterly?) meetings to review, encourage action, make decisions
- Issue triage
- Hackathon meetings (Could this contribute to higher frequency of workshops?)
- DECISION: Discuss having regular meetings at CF Workshop.
- ACTION: Fanny and Bryan will ask CMIP IPO about helping organize regular meetings
- ACTION: Ethan will bring up as agenda topic for CF Workshop
Discuss opening standard names process to non-CEDA folks
- Could CEDA Editor permissions be connected to GH?
- Process (CEDA Editor) is now accessible to approved people outside CEDA.
- ACTION: Bryan and Jonathan ask CEDA about CF standard names process
- AGU session on CF and netCDF proposed
- CF Workshop organizing committee meeting regularly