2022-12-08 CF Governance Panel meeting
Karl, Fanny, Jonathan, Bryan, Ethan
- Future CF Workshops
- Status of / follow up on request to WGCM for CMIP IPO support of CF
- Scheduling of next meeting
- Proposal for team and contributors to info mgmt
- Select open issues
- Missing trac wiki pages (CF website issue #205)
- Add CC0 license to CF (CF website issue #182)
Schedule next CF Governance Panel meeting/call
- DECISION: Thursday, 9 March 2023 at 15:00 UTC
Future CF Workshops
- Format and frequency (e.g., alternate between virtual and in-person)
- What is role for host of virtual workshops?
- TODO: Ask organizing committee members from virtual workshops. Ask Antonio.
- DECISION: Plan for annual CF Workshops, alternating in-person/hybrid and virtual
- Host for 2023 Workshop (virtual)
- TODO: Put out call for organizing committee
Funding for future CF Workshops
- Possible CMIP IPO funds for supporting the global south
- Encourage interest in hosting
- Get word out beyond usual suspects: CISL?
- Write up a flyer about interest in finding funds to host community meeting
- Consider coordinating back-to-back with another meeting
- Pangeo
- At least 2 days, other meeting no more than 3 or too long
- US DOE ESGF is CF dependent - check if interested in supporting, e.g., travel funds
Update on WGCM for CMIP IPO support
- Foster communication
- Organizing meetings
- Possible travel funds?
- Hiring technical person:
- working with WIP chairs; work with ESGF
- Ensure tech infrastructure can work together
Proposal for Info Management and Support Team and contributors
- Summary: The team currently has write permissions on all CF repositories. However, the team and its role is not formally recognized in the constitution or rules. The team and its role should be formalized in the constitution and/or rules.
- DECISION: Formalize the Information Management and Support Team
- TODO: Create GH issue, summarize issue and discussion/decision. Create PR.
- Add team to the CF constitution. Probably in the Governance Panel terms of reference with the panel making decision on who will be added to the team.
- Create a list of “contributors to CF information management”, linked from the governance page.
- Update current team list and contributors list